Clean energy for EU islands

Clean energy for EU islands

La Palma was selected in February 2019 as one of the 6 pilot islands of the European Commission’s Clean energy for EU islands initiative. The selection involved, among other things, technical support to write a participatory Transition Agenda. This is our first version of the Agenda:

Download the Agenda


Our final agenda is going to include more than the document. We are currently working on making it a visual and dynamic tool together with the ClimateView team.



As a first step, more than 100 organisations (featured on the map) have signed the Clean energy for EU islands Pledge. In September 2019, representatives of the signatories participated in 5 sectoral and one cross-sectoral workshops (described in the Agenda). This was a starting point for a number of processes:


  • Action Groups: Several teams of volunteers emerged from the September workshops and continued to work on different issues to help reduce emissions on the island.
  • Seedbed and Incubator: We are supporting several business projects aiming to decarbonise different economic activities, to help them become a reality.
  • Decarbonisation plans: We calculate the carbon footprint of any willing signatory organisation and help them decarbonise, keeping the entire island system in mind.


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